Organisation / Hub: SINA

Contact Person: James Wanyira: Creative Empowerment Facilitator

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The Spark Workshop is a 4 day Self-Discovery training program designed to support individuals unlock their inner gifts, strengths, talents , and turn them into innovative social enterprises that solve real world problems. The training has 2 phases, the inner journey and outer journey. During the inner journey (who am i?) Participants are taken through a serries of inner reflection tools, creative journaling, mind mapping technology, and visual art to enable them unearth their unique abilities and passion and authentic essence. During the outer journey (what can i do?) participants engage in ideation and creative brainstorming exercises with the aim of developing ideas for a potential social enterprise that aligns with their authentic nature, while solving real world problems.


The training has been happening in SINA since 2015, generating over 70 Purpose driven entrepreneurs in the SINA network. In 2023, the German government entered a partnership with us to introduce a new Training of Trainers (TOT) program ie a project to Train leaders to be able to conduct the Spark Workshop. So far we have 7 certified trainers who have successfully graduated from our TOT program this year. We are still looking for more partners to support us replicate this inner development model in multiple educational institutions across Africa