Organisation / Hub: CINVESTAV Saltillo

Contact Person: Victoria Hernández

Contact Email:


Do we have a sustainable lifestyle? Question for everyone, LIS professionals and users. The Inner Development Goals (IDG): Be-Think-Relate-Collaborate-Act, says the IDG Initiative, contribute to developing
the skills and qualities that help us lead a useful, sustainable and productive life, individually and collectively.
Human life is continuous and constant change; inner development is the axis on which human development is based to be-think-act-relate and collaborate in achieving any objective. The IDG, in the field of scientific work, are essential for LIS professionals and to be at the level of peers with users. The last 3 years have put everyone’s lifestyle to the test. The effort to continue here could inspire colleagues in the institution and others. Be-Think-Act are the basis of the sustainable lifestyle that we describe here and that, like everything human, is not finished.


Taking my own life to the highest level of human development has been the beginning of the project, and the challenge continues…